Moving to a new system

Having moved to Pathfinder 2e, these tools are much less needed and better served by the pathbuilder app. The Trait Filter never did get off the ground, and the Feat Filter fell so far behind on newly released content the database I had was so hopelessly out of date I never did rebuild it. I'm leaving the links here in case the unfinished projects get completed, but they should be considered abandoned.
See you all in the new system.

Character Sheet
Spell Sheet
Feat Filter
Trait Filter


Character and Spell Sheet Generators

and a bit about the site

This site was started as a project primarily to teach myself some code but also out of a desire to provide something interesting and missing from the pathfinder community of tools. The character and spell sheets are where I started learning PHP and updating my HTML from the sad and outdated smattering I picked up just being an early adopter of the web. On the PF side I just wanted sheets that were organised like I thought and figured that they might be useful to share with others who may or may not think in similar ways. They do a little of the math for you but I'm a little limited by the fact that at this point in time I've not played at the higher levels where you may have 15 attacks and 120 feats playing havoc with your stats. At some point I may just admit defeat on that front and remove all of the math from my character sheet generator and just have text entry that the sheet makes organised for you.


Feat and Trait Filters

On the filters though I honestly hadn't seen anything like them when I started this project. The PFsrd site has a filter that is useable but basic. (when this project started it was downright pathetic) I wanted something that I could enter in stats and either limit the list to what I could have right at that moment or generate a list that went all the way through to the expected end of a campaign. I also wanted to learn SQL and this has been a perfect opportunity to do so. While I was starting this a friend also mentioned the desire to see the entire tree of pre- and post- requisites of a feat and see at a glance what was needed and what a feat could lead to so that was added in as well. This was big enough that the entire project crashed for a while so I could find a way to do that in the best way possible.
So here is the beginning of the finished product. Recently updated my code so the old basic stuff isn't quite so noobish and the more advanced stuff updated for HTML5. I hope someone gets some use from my idle self teaching project.
