Why'd I make this

Unsatisfied with any of the other options out there I decided to construct a database that could be filtered by level, stats, class, and race so that I could look over feat options without having to scroll past the feats that my character will never qualify for.
Here are some things to know before you use this tool:

Assumptions in the filtering


Many feats list only a BAB requirement, however in the interest of cleaning up the noise as much as possible I copied that number over into the level column as well since the absolute lowest level you could have a BAB of 10 is 10. This means that if you limit results to feats available to a L10 character you are also eliminating from the filtered list the feats that a L10 could never have the BAB for.


If filtering for the Monk class, users should not use the 'filter using: BAB' option. There are enough exceptions that have requirements that read like "BAB5 or Monk L5" that (until Paizo "unchains" monks from antiquated traditions... or not) Monks should only use the filter by level option. Those specific feats will be listed as requiring the lower monk level.


Metamagic feats are filtered by a wizards ability to cast a level 1 spell using the feat. Meaning that since a quickened Magic Missile requires the caster be able to cast L5 spells so the Quicken Spell feat is filtered as requiring level 9.

Abilities from other classes

If you have a special case where you gain the powers of a different class (eg. Oracle with channel) tic the box for the class where the feature comes from. (in the eg. check Cleric as well as Oracle)

Implemented books

At this point the database includes all feats from the Core, Advanced, Ultimate Magic, and Ultimate Combat books except monster feats. It also includes feats for extended race selections focusing mostly on Pathfinder Society allowed choices and a few other races that have multiple feats specific to their race. For this version of the database I made only a simple pass at inherited requirements from prereq feats. (IE: "Feat A" requires Power Attack but doesn't list the Str 13 required by P.A.)

In a system as complex as pathfinder there are exceptions to all of the assumptions I've made in this list. But for a single character you finding those exceptions is much easier than me creating a simple set of rules to codify all of those potential exceptions.

-- Category --
General | Combat | Metamagic | Item Creation | Teamwork | Grit

-- Stats --
Str | Dex | Con | Int | Wis | Cha

-- BAB / Level --
Check to filter using: BAB
Check to filter using: Level

-- Class --
Barbarian | Bard | Cleric | Druid | Fighter | Monk | Paladin | Ranger | Rogue | Sorcerer | Wizard

Alchemist | Cavalier | Inquisitor | Magus | Oracle | Summoner | Witch | Samurai

Ki | Caster | Familiars

-- Race / Form --
Select your race / size and shape:

Not yet implemented (these selections, they do nothing):