At long last, some updates

After years of being stagnant, some changes to my little learning project here. First, the tools for first edition Pathfinder have been moved to their own page. I no longer play that system, but the tools can hang there indefinetly. I have some ideas for PF2, we'll see how those play out.
Next up Radio Free Alex... (the name is a reference to the REM song and what I called my mp3 player back when it held all the songs I'd downloaded) I've played with the idea of web access to my music collection for a while and finally got handed an excuse to make it happen... so I did. Was simpler than I expected it to be.
Future plans for more containers usage and a new wiki server since I messed up the existing one means more learning, which is still the whole point.


Domain, and SSL, and a WIKI oooh myyyy...

Thanks to and Letsencrypt with google and serverfault on the assist. Having an actual named domain makes a lot of the silly little overthinking things I've been trying much easier so I bit the dirt cheap bullet and did it. Learning about building an environment as opposed to a server has been a bigger jump than I really expected but this was an important step. Now that the wiki is running correctly, it's time to get the SQL server up so the feat search tools are back online!
